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Five Lies Depression Tells You

Let's just jump right into it and unveil just five of the many lies depression tries to make you believe.....

1. You are unloved and unworthy of being loved. You are a burden to your friends and family and they are only dealing with you because they have to, they don't really want to hear about your struggles. 2. You are weak. Depression will tell you that you are not trying hard enough to make things better. It will tell you that you're weak, lazy and make you believe that this is a fault of your character.

3. You don't matter. Nothing matters. The people and things in your life that once had meaning to you no longer hold any value. Detaching yourself from everything and everyone, living a hollow empty life is just what you deserve and you just don't care anymore.

4. You're broken. Never to be fixed again. Why try to recover. You have tried, over and over again but to no success. You're either not trying hard enough or you are just "unfixable".

5. You should just call it quits. The light at the end of the tunnel is suicide. Depression at worst, will suffocate you with emotions and feelings of hopelessness, leave you spiritless and listless making you feel as thought the only way out is suicide. Some will come to the conclusion that this world holds nothing for them and there is no point to existing.

TRUTH IS: You deserve every bit of love you get from your family and friends. They are there to help lift you up and see you live life with a smile in your heart and spirit that soars. With their help, learn how to use positive self talk and get the appropriate help you need from your doctor. Your depression is not a sign of weakness, it has absolutely nothing to do with who you are. It has everything to do with it being a very real mental illness. Depression is treatable, don't let these lies rule your life. You make the rules. You set your standards. Know there is hope and there is help. Put those dukes up and fight strong because no matter what you believe right now, tomorrow will be a belter day just by taking a tiny step forward.

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