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Ways To Support Someone With Depression

Chances are, you know someone struggling with depression. It can be a very confusing time for family and friends who want to support their loved one but just don't know how.

Here are five helpful tips to begin supporting someone with depression.


Yes. It's as simple as just being there for them. No need to throw them a big "cheer me up" party, the fact that they can have a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to is the best way to help and support them.


Tough love can be hurtful to those who are dealing with depression as they often need encouraging words and understanding. Avoid saying something like: "Just get outta bed and get on with life, everyone has bad days". . .

Instead try to say something like: "I know what you're going through is tough, just remember you are a strong person and you can make it through the bad days like today".


Words are really important when you are supporting someone with depression. Don't shame them for feeling a certain way. Try to avoid saying things that will make them feel as though your are minimizing their pain. For example, "Why would you let something silly like that bother you this much?".

Instead try to say something like: "I can see why that bothers you, its ok to feel that way."


There is no deadline for "getting over" depression. It doesn't work that way. Depression is an illness that someone can struggle with for a long time. It takes time to heal and recover, each person is affected differently. Be patient with the individual because they are doing their best to cope and deal with each day at hand.


Take the time to understand depression. Read about it and look into it more because when you understand it, then you will understand your loved one who is suffering with it.

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